Use AmazonSmile when shopping to support the JLP!

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Did you know? You can help the Junior League of Phoenix when you shop Amazon! Log in to AmazonSmile instead of Amazon, and a portion of your purchase price will be donated to JLP. There is no gimmick, and the process is as easy as 1-2-3… JLP!

Junior League of Phoenix is part of the AmazonSmile network. AmazonSmile is simple and an automatic way you can support the JLP every time you shop, and at no additional cost to you.

When you choose to shop at, you find the exact same low prices, selection, and convenience of shopping at, but with the added bonus of AmazonSmile donating a portion of all eligible purchase prices to a nonprofit of your choice.

To shop AmazonSmile:

  1. Go to from your web browser on your computer or mobile device. You may also add a bookmark to make future purchases even easier.
  2. You will see a filed to enter a “charity name or location.”  Type Junior League of Phoenix and click “Search.”
  3. Click “Select” next to Junior League of Phoenix.
  4. Start shopping!

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AmazonSmile will remember your charity selection, and moving forward, every (eligible) purchase you make with AmazonSmile will earn a 0.5% donation from your net purchase price to Junior League of Phoenix. Your information – all of it – will remain secure. JLP does not receive any information related to you or your purchase. Your personal details, including name, address, CC info, products purchased, etc is private and not shared. You can learn more about this donation process at AmazonSmile’s Frequently Asked Questions page: .

Please consider thinking about JLP the next time you shop Amazon and shop AmazonSmile, instead!