First Person: President’s Message

As I reflect on year one of our first two-year term presidency, I think, “who in the world thought someone could do this 2 years in a row?” Haha! I say this in jest because even though serving the league as President is a big (big) commitment of my time and effort every single day, I am SO happy when I hear about all of our happy members and when I see the actual good work we are doing in this community!

The Fresh Express Bus is something that took a lot of money and manpower to get involved with, but the Junior League of Phoenix took a chance on a project unlike what we have done before… like we’ve always done for the last 80 years… and Fresh Express turned out to be an extraordinary program that we can all be proud of! According to our data and membership survey responses, our membership satisfaction is the best it has been in years. When I started my presidency, I stated my intention was to create a fun experience for members; that is one of my personal goals for the league I’m ecstatic about exceeding from the prior year.


by, Anne Trauter