First Person: Message from the President

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. – John Quincy Adams One of my favorite trainers, Vicki Clark, recently shared this John Quincy Adams quote at AJLI’s annual fall leadership conference. It really resonated with me because I have always believed that all… Read More

First Person: Message from the President

“Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in”. ~Author Unknown I hope everyone is having a fun and exciting summer and getting ready for a great Junior League of Phoenix year. As… Read More

First person: Message from the President

Dear Junior League of Phoenix Members and Supporters, WOW! What an amazing two years it’s been as your President! We’ve had so many positive changes, I hope you don’t mind if I just list a few. It’s taken so much time, effort, and gusto to make these all happen and I just want to thank… Read More

First Person: Push Your Boundaries in the League

How I Almost Said No to a Leadership Position In 2013, I nearly declined an opportunity to co-chair ROCKETS. In the Junior League, you learn to never say no to a leadership opportunity. But working with 350 children at a First Friday event? Not my cup of tea. I was talked into it, however; and,… Read More

First Person: Anne, President

I cried. Your happy, tough but nice, President cried her eyes out at the Valley Impact Social while asking our attendees to donate money. I did the same thing at last year’s Valley Impact event, so I knew it was coming. When I get in front of a group of strangers, this deep emotion comes over me… Read More

First Person: Leadership Reflection

When I reflect on my Junior League leadership experiences since joining in 2004, three words come to mind: Passion, Purpose and Vision. It has truly been a pleasure to serve as a leader to many of the committees, projects, councils (now teams) and serve on the board in two leagues. One experience stands out the… Read More

First Person: Caring

Reflections of a Junior League Experience. I find it interesting that no one has ever asked those of us who have stayed in the Junior League why we have done so… I am sure there is some tremendous beauty in our various answers. There have been times I would have answered that with a “they… Read More

First Person: Developing the Potential of Women

When I first joined the Junior League of Phoenix (JLP), I was excited to be part of an organization that was making a difference in the community. I was initially drawn to an organized way of volunteering in the community. It was exciting to “jump” on the member calendar and find a wide variety of… Read More

First Person: President’s Message

As I reflect on year one of our first two-year term presidency, I think, “who in the world thought someone could do this 2 years in a row?” Haha! I say this in jest because even though serving the league as President is a big (big) commitment of my time and effort every single day,… Read More

First Person – Rummage

My first rummage sale was rummage by immersion. During my provisional year, I had a difficult time opening myself up to the experience and connecting with other members, so I wasn’t experiencing all the fun that my provisional year could be. As part of my disconnectedness, I was lagging on my provisional placement requirements, including… Read More