JLP Member Spotlight: Mary Birdoes

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Get to know Mary Birdoes!  Just one of our amazing Junior League of Phoenix members in this week’s Member Spotlight.

How many years have you been in the league? I am a provisional member.

Favorite thing to do in Phoenix? My favorite thing to do in Phoenix is either the thing I’ve never done or being in the epicenter of the action, preferably both!

If you had an extra 8 hours in a day what would you do with it? I would squeeze in a High Intensity Interval Training workout or lift weights for the first hour, spend time eating and laughing over a family get together for the next four hours, and spend the last three checking out a hip new place or attending a high energy event in Pheonix.

In your opinion what is the best thing about being a JLP member? I cannot limit my answer to just one thing.  Though the friendships are my favorite part of the JLP, I also love the built in opportunities to do rewarding volunteer work and I relish the leadership and skill development training!
Why did you join the JLP? I was looking for a volunteer organization and decided to commit to the JLP because it offered so much more! Can anyone say DIP?!?

What do you want other people to know about JLP? People should know that the JLP provides a social network, and a means of contributing to the community through volunteer work and the development of female leaders. The only caveat is that you have to take hold of the opportunities in order to reap the benefits!

Favorite JLP memory? Some of my favorite memories aren’t necessarily JLP sanctioned events but rather informal events organized by members. To return to official JLP events, however, some of the standouts in my memory are the pool party, happy hour at Brother’s Tap House, Provisional Day of Service at St. Vincent De Paul’s, The Little Black Dress Initiative, JLP 360, Toastmasters meetings (especially the meetings when I gave a speech), volunteering at the holiday Homeward Bound and Free Arts shifts, the Communications and Marketing Team Committee Meeting (that may sound nerdy but I was fascinated to get an inside look at my future career), and any time there was a happy hour involved! Wow. That was a long sentence!

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