Spirit of Rummage


Due to COVID-19, our 84th Annual Rummage Sale that was scheduled to take place on Feb. 20, 2020 at the Arizona State Fairgrounds, unfortunately had to be cancelled. We plan to be back and better than ever on Feb. 19, 2022!

In order to continue to raise funds to support our mission, we are hosting a new virtual fundraiser called the Spirit of Rummage, that embodies the community spirit and community support we receive from our beloved event.

If you’d like to sponsor this event, details are available here.

Below are a few key dates:

Feb. 9 – Mar. 21: Online Fundraising Campaign (scroll down to donate!)

Mar. 7 – Mar. 21: Virtual Silent Auction with amazing baskets representing the departments you have come to love at our annual sale – check back for details!

Mar. 20 – Giving Day – JLP members will hold a food drive and collect gently used items for the community