JLP Mommy Group

MommyGroup.1Did you know the Junior League of Phoenix has a JLP Mommy Group? We plan fun events with our kids including pumpkin MommyGroup.2patches, holiday play dates, splash pads, and more activities around the valley! This Fall we’re planning an Old McDonald Farm outing, zoo lights excursion, park days, and even a children’s holiday book exchange. The group is wonderful “mommy therapy” as well as socialization for our future leaguers (and future league supporters for the boys!). Mommies with all ages of children are welcome to join, as we do not divide activities by age group, it’s just one big happy family and you can pick and choose what to be involved with. The JLP mommy group is going to be even more active in 2016 as we grow in numbers and members. Please consider joining the JLP Mommy facebook page if you have children and join us for some family fun!

By Mandy Scofield Holmes